食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,漢堡王(Burger King)9月17日宣布,將于 “國際和平日”(International Day of Peace)與其它四家連鎖餐廳聯(lián)合推出怪物漢堡,以引發(fā)公眾對和平日的關(guān)注。
漢堡王稱,截至目前為止,丹尼斯(Denny's)、韋巴克漢堡(Wayback Burgers)、翡翠(Krystal)和巴西漢堡連鎖店Giraffas已經(jīng)同意相應(yīng)其提議,提供各自的漢堡食譜,共同創(chuàng)造一個怪物漢堡(Monster Burger)并于9月21日國際和平日當(dāng)天推出。
Burger King officials announced Thursday that they will team up with Denny's, Wayback Burgers, Krystal, and Giraffas to give away 1,500 “peace day burgers” at a pop-up restaurant in Atlanta on Sept. 21.
The Peace Day campaign was launched last month when BK took out full-page ads in the Chicago Tribune and New York Times calling on McDonald's to join them in a one-day cease-fire in their “burger wars” by collaborating to make a McWhopper (a hybrid of McDonald's Big Mac and Burger King's Whopper)。 Burger King suggested that the mashup burger could be sold to raise money to benefit Peace One Day, a non-profit organization campaigning to raise awareness of Peace Day, a United Nations recognized day that will be celebrated on Monday.