食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,近日英國教育部門明確表示,為了促使小學生食用健康食品,教師可以沒收學生午餐盒里面的不健康或者不合適的食品。然而這個政策引發(fā)許多爭議。
一些家長向媒體披露,他們給孩子帶的蘇格蘭煮蛋(scotch egg)、意大利香腸(peperami)被學校的老師沒收了,他們對此非常氣憤。英國教育部對學校的做法表示支持,教育部門稱教師可以“沒收、保存或者毀掉”違反學校政策的食品,并且公布了教師檢查學生午餐盒的步驟。
Angry parents have complained after food was confiscated from their children's lunch boxes.
One child was told had her scotch egg taken away, while another was told she could not have her favourite Peperami sausage snack, despite sausages being served as a school dinner.
A new policy at Cherry Tree Primary School, in Colchester, has banned junk food from packed lunches.