食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,美國商業(yè)促進局(Better Business Bureau)密蘇里州分局日前發(fā)布警告聲明指出,一款名稱為“真火腿骨”(Real Ham Bone)的豬骨零食,狗食用后可能會受傷甚至死亡。
美國商業(yè)促進局5年前就曾接獲多起消費者投訴指出,密蘇里州廠商Dynamic Pet Products所生產(chǎn)的真火腿骨小狗零食,小狗吃了之后陸續(xù)出現(xiàn)健康問題。
Dog owners are complaining about a dog bone made in Missouri, saying it can splinter, and the shards are hurting and even killing their pets.
The Better Business Bureau in St. Louis, Mo. put out a news release, saying it has received complaints about the Real Ham Bone from nine dog owners from across the country in the past six months.