食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)英國食品標準局消息,6月19日英國食品標準局就一家公司申請將奇亞籽油(chia oil)作為新型食品配料銷售征求意見,并制定了奇亞籽油在蔬菜油中的最大使用量及食品補充劑的推薦每日攝入量。
A Chilean company has applied to the FSA to market chia oil as a novel food ingredient and views are wanted on the FSA's independent advisory committee draft opinion. This is the first application for the use of chia oil, but the advisory committee has previously considered two applications for the authorisation of chia seeds, which are the source of chia oil, in a number of food categories.
.Chia oil and seeds are from the chia plant (also known as Salvia hispanica L)。 The oil contains significant quantities of alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The company applying is Functional Products Trading SA.