食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報(bào)道,美國紐約州擬立法,在未來幾年內(nèi)把最低時(shí)薪提到15美元,這將對快餐業(yè)產(chǎn)生較大影響。
根據(jù)報(bào)告,紐約市青年失業(yè)率已較高,大約在25%-30%之間。薩茨曼(Michael Saltsman)稱,15美元最低工資會(huì)讓青年就業(yè)情況變得更糟。
紐約“多佛自由港熟食店”(Dover Caterers of Freeport)老板亞馬利(Butch Yamali)說,他們每年夏天都雇用很多學(xué)生做暑期工作,大約有500名假期工,然而今年州的15美元最低工資削弱了我們雇人的能力。
Gov. Cuomo, in a bipartisan agreement with state lawmakers, agreed last fall to raise the minimum wage in most of the state by 66 percent over the next six years, to $15 an hour. The plan includes a smaller increase for some upstate regions.
“New York City already has a high youth unemployment rate of between 25 percent and 30 percent. But this will make it worse,” says Michael Saltsman, research director at the Washington, DC-based institute.