食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,由于無法忍受無教養(yǎng)的兒童撕毀書籍,弄壞玩具,以及他們的父母在桌上更換尿布等行為,悉尼北岸一家咖啡館的主人被迫關(guān)閉了店內(nèi)兒童游樂室。
據(jù)報道,Black Mocha咖啡館的老板表示,此舉是為了挽救他們的生意。他們的咖啡館不再歡迎“舉止不當(dāng)?shù)?rdquo;成年人和兒童。
UNRULY children ripping books and breaking toys, and parents changing nappies on tables, have forced a North Shore cafe to close its much-loved playroom.
Black Mocha owners John and Claudette Osterberg said the move was necessary to save their business and adults and children with ''deplorable manners'' were no longer welcome at the cafe.