食品伙伴網訊 據外媒報道,美國伊利諾伊州73歲男子馬丁.富恩特斯(Martin Fuentes)最近中了一份20萬美元的大獎,這次幸運獲獎經歷,竟然與他和媽媽一起吃的一頓中餐有關。
Martin Fuentes is proof that it pays to be patient, to persevere and, of course, to listen to a mother who had a hunch about one particular fortune cookie.
The retired mailman from Des Plaines, Illinois, won a $200,000 jackpot prize by repeatedly playing the lucky numbers he found inside a fortune cookie three years ago while eating dinner with his mother.
“She knew that I liked to play the lotto and we were having takeout Chinese food, and as I'm cracking open a fortune cookie, she said, 'Well you should play these lucky numbers.' And I said OK, just for you, ma,” Fuentes, 73, told ABC News of his mom, who died about a year ago at age 90.