食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,加拿大食品檢驗署(CFIA)調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),本國一些連鎖餐廳為吸引顧客,在菜單上面造假,誤導(dǎo)消費者。
據(jù)報道,這些公司包括在加拿大有50家分店的Browns Socialhouse餐廳,以及隨處可見擁有超過100家門店的Booster Juice。
自2013年5月開始,加拿大食品檢驗署便對Browns Socialhouse發(fā)起調(diào)查,有顧客投訴稱其漢堡宣稱使用“神戶牛肉”(Kobe Beef)涉嫌誤導(dǎo)消費者。然而真正的神戶牛肉是來自日本以特定方式飼養(yǎng)的牛,在北美很難買到,加拿大只有蒙特利爾名廚帕克(Antonio Park)才被授權(quán)銷售神戶牛肉。該餐廳漢堡中使用的實際上是加拿大本地產(chǎn)的“和牛肉“(Wagyu beef)。
“Kobe” beef from Alberta. “Fresh cut” fries that turned out to be frozen. A “soy” smoothie without the soy.
In recent years, Canadians have become more interested than ever before in what they eat, and wher their food comes from. And they are paying more attention to information provided on menus. But that rests on the assumption that what is written on the menus is true - which, it turns out, may not always be the case.