食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,繼澳大利亞政府本周批準中國公司收購澳最大奶業(yè)公司Van Diemen's Land Dairy Company(VDL)之后,中國公司對購買澳大利亞最大畜牧場S. Kidman & Co公司的信心增強,然而澳大利亞國內(nèi)反對出售最大畜牧場的聲音依然很高,澳外國投資審查委員會(FIRB)有望在數(shù)周內(nèi)做出是否批準的決定。參與競購的兩家中國公司分別為Genius link Group與Shanghai Pengxin。
CHINESE buyers are optimistic that within weeks they could buy Australia's biggest cattle station - which is the size of the Czech Republic - in the wake of the sale of the country's largest dairy farm to Chinese owners.
The sale could net the Federal Government another tax windfall, after the controversial Van Diemen's Land Dairy Company purchase by a Chinese businessman tipped an instant $27 million tax benefit into the government's coffers.
But critics of Treasurer Scott Morrison's approval of the sale said the short-term profit has put Australian food security at risk and will lead to a jump in the price of milk and baby formula which is known as “white gold” in China.