食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,美國政府近期宣布3年后將全面禁用反式脂肪,為保障消費者健康,有醫(yī)學專家認為,糖份、飽和脂肪與精致碳水化合物(refined carbohydrates),也可能是繼反式脂肪后的下一步目標。
美國教授薛曼(Thomas Sherman)指出,由于反式脂肪嚴重危害健康,當反式脂肪攝取量增加時,疾病風險會隨之升高。繼反式脂肪之后,糖份、飽和脂肪、精致碳水化合物等,都有可能被限制,尤其是添加糖份。
After years of research showing the harms of trans fat, the unhealthy substance has finally been banned as a food additive. But now that trans fat has been taken off the table, is there another highly concerning ingredient that should be banned next?
Experts say there really is no exact parallel to trans fat; the ingredient is unique in just how bad it is for you, how common it was in the food supply and how unessential it was for nutrition. But there are a few candidates for the “next trans fat,” although they will probably be harder to regulate, experts said.