食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,德國肯德基推出一款可以跟手機相連的藍牙鍵盤,顧客們可以邊吃雞腿邊打字。
這種被稱為“托盤打字機”(Tray Typer)的藍牙鍵盤,被放置在肯德基托盤底部,代替以往的彩色廣告紙。
You're halfway through a bucket of extra crispy chicken, and disaster strikes.
Suddenly a new Facebook post appears that you just have to comment on, but your fingers are full of grease and you have no idea what to do.
Now, KFC has come up with a solution to prevent this ever happening; a Bluetooth-powered tray mat with a built-in keyboard.