食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,安大略省政府資產(chǎn)顧問委員會周四發(fā)布報告,建議政府向私營機構(gòu)出售安省電力(Hydro One)60%的所有權(quán),并且讓全省450家雜貨店出售啤酒,并新設(shè)啤酒稅。
新啤酒牌照將簽發(fā)給雜貨店,他們可以出售單瓶裝或6瓶包裝的啤酒,但銷售時間需要與現(xiàn)有的Beer Store一樣。新的啤酒稅適用于在安省銷售的所有啤酒,此舉省府每年估計可獲1億元收入。
Ontario will sell off 60 per cent of electricity utility Hydro One to the private sector, allow 450 grocery stores across the province to sell beer and impose a new tax on the beverage.
Ms. Wynne put significantly more emphasis Thursday on the beer retail reforms, which are expected to be more popular than the Hydro One sell-off. As she made the announcement in a conference room at a government office building, she stood before a massive sign touting beer in grocery stores.
“The Beer Store has grown into a de facto monopoly, controlled by a very small numbers of companies. This system has stifled competition, it's kept craft and small brewers from growing and it's limited the consumer experience,” she said. “When it comes to the sale of beer in Ontario, I'm here to announce that the status quo is over and the days of monopoly are done.”