食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)世界農(nóng)化網(wǎng)消息,2014年1月Becker Underwood公司代表DSM公司向美國環(huán)保署遞交一項(xiàng)申請,近日美國環(huán)保署開始就那他霉素(Zivion P)作為抑菌劑用于收獲后及室內(nèi)存放的菠蘿征求意見,截至日期為11月29日。那他霉素是一種從常見的土壤微生物納塔爾鏈霉菌(Streptomyces chattanoogensis)中提取出來的天然抗菌化合物。
US EPA is seeking public comment on natamycin for post-harvest and indoors use on pineapples as a fungistat. In January, 2014, Becker Underwood, on behalf of DSM, submitted to register natamycin (tradenamed as Zivion P) for this use.
Natamycin is a naturally-occurring antimycotic compound derived from the common soil microorganisms Streptomyces natalensis, Streptomyces lydicus and Streptomyces chattanoogensis. This ais has a non-toxic mode of action, preventing the germination of fungal spores. Natamycin is currently registered by the Agency as a microbial pesticide for greenhouse, nursery, turfgrass, agricultural, enclosed mushroom production facilities, and seed treatment uses.
The public comment is open until November 29th.