食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)美國(guó)食品安全新聞網(wǎng)消息,近日歐盟多位化學(xué)品專家被曝與企業(yè)有利益關(guān)系,有17人曾批判歐盟委員會(huì)對(duì)內(nèi)分泌干擾物質(zhì)所做的計(jì)劃,他們與化學(xué)品、藥品、化妝品等企業(yè)有合作關(guān)系,有些甚至受過(guò)企業(yè)的項(xiàng)目資助,還有些供職于企業(yè)顧問(wèn)。
Seventeen scientists who have criticized plans in Europe to regulate endocrine-disrupting chemicals have past or current ties to regulated industries.
An investigation by Environmental Health News reveals that of 18 toxicology journal editors who signed a controversial editorial, 17 have collaborated with the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, tobacco, pesticide or biotechnology industries. Some have received research funds from industry associations, while some have served as industry consultants or advisors.