食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)歐盟網(wǎng)站消息,近日公布的一項有關(guān)抗生素使用的研究顯示,約7%的抗生素在使用時未開處方。使用抗生素未開處方的行為發(fā)生幾率最高的為羅馬尼亞(20%),其次為希臘(16%),其次為塞浦路斯、匈牙利以及西班牙。造成這一局面的原因主要是藥店柜臺銷售抗生素以及剩余抗生素的使用。研究還發(fā)現(xiàn),小藥店出現(xiàn)亂開抗生素的現(xiàn)象更嚴(yán)重。
A study published today on antimicrobial resistance and the causes of non-prudent use of antibiotics carried out by Nivel (NL) as part of the EU-funded project ARNA, estimates that 7% of antibiotics taken in the EU are taken without a prescription. The highest rates of non-prescription use of antibiotics are in Romania (20%) and Greece (16%) with high rates also found in Cyprus, Hungary and Spain. Over the counter selling of antibiotics in pharmacies and the use of leftover antibiotics were found to be the main causes.
Reasons for such imprudent use of antibiotics include lack of knowledge by the patient, lack of knowledge by pharmacists, pharmacists consenting to sell antibiotics without a prescription - particularly when there is patient pressure, and healthcare providers dispensing whole packages of antibiotics wher there are pills left over once a patient has finished the prescribed course. It was also found that pharmacists in smaller pharmacies seem more likely to dispense antibiotics without a prescription.