食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,歐盟食品安全局就核黃素膳食參考值發(fā)布意見,提出了成人、嬰幼兒、孕婦及哺乳期婦女的核黃素膳食參考值,并開始征求意見,征求意見截止日期為2017年5月28日。
成人平均需求值(ARs):1.3 毫克/天 人群參考攝取值(PRIs):1.6 毫克/天
7-11個月大嬰兒足量攝取值為0.4 毫克/天
1-17歲兒童與青少年 ARs:0.5-1.4 毫克/天 ,人群參考攝取值0.6-1.6 毫克/天
EFSA has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on dietary reference values for riboflavin. This document proposes dietary reference values for riboflavin for adults, infants and children, pregnant and lactating women.
In line with EFSA's policy on openness and transparency and in order for EFSA to receive comments from the scientific community and stakeholders, EFSA has launched a public consultation on the draft document developed by the NDA Panel of EFSA.