食品伙伴網訊 據美國食品藥品管理局消息,7月8日美國FDA發(fā)布通告,延長自動售賣機產品卡路里標示實施日期至2018年7月26日。本次延長通知將在聯邦公報刊出。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is extending the compliance date for final calorie declaration requirements for certain food products sold from glass-front vending machines to July 26, 2018. FDA intends to formally announce the extension in the Federal Register in the near future.
Several trade associations requested the extension for glass-front vending machines because of concerns regarding the requirements for the size of front-of-pack (FOP) calorie disclosures. In a letter to FDA, the trade associations stated that the type size requirement for FOP labeling presents significant technical challenges and asked that the requirement be changed to 150 percent of the size of the net quantity of contents, which is the statement on the label that provides the amount of food in the container or package. They noted that current voluntary FOP labeling programs require calorie information to be presented in a type size that ranges from 100 to 150 percent of the size of the net weight contents statement on the FOP label. FDA's final rule currently requires a type size of 50 percent of the size of the largest printed matter on the label. FDA recognizes industry's concern about technical challenges and will issue a proposed rule for comment.