食品伙伴網訊 據外媒報道,在美國黑色星期五和網絡星期一購物節(jié)期間,許多中國人登錄美國網站大手筆購物。不少購物網站也都開通了商品郵寄中國的服務。
研究機構Adobe數字指數(Adobe Digital Index)的報告顯示,從感恩節(jié)至網絡星期一,5天網上銷售額達110億美元,中國買家消費近5500萬美元,占0.5%。
中轉的倉庫已變得越來越不必要,像亞馬遜( Amazon )、梅西百貨(Macy's)已有直接郵寄中國的服務。
Andy Fan believes he's an expert shopper. He's proud of the deals he scored on work clothes on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
He sounds like a typical American … except he's Chinese and lives in Shanghai.
The math is simple for Chinese buyers like Fan. He would have to pay about $200 for a single Brooks Brothers dress shirt wher he lives in China. On Black Friday, he was able to purchase 4 shirts online from the Brooks Brothers American website for the same amount.