食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,星巴克(Starbucks)已經(jīng)停止在咖啡杯上寫字鼓勵討論種族議題的活動,因為許多人抱持懷疑態(tài)度,而且覺得很諷刺。
星巴克老板舒茲(Howard Schultz)表示,“種族團結(jié)”(Race Together)活動已于22日結(jié)束,它“只是啟動更廣泛和更長期對話的媒介而已”。舒茲上周指示店員在咖啡杯上寫上“種族團結(jié)”的標(biāo)語,來開啟種族議題討論。
星巴克全球溝通部資深副總裁杜布羅瓦(Corey duBrowa)表示,他收到如潮水般涌來的負面評論,因此暫時關(guān)閉推特帳號。許多人認為這個活動只是個宣傳噱頭。
Twitter has ruthlessly mocked Starbucks campaign for the company's new anti-racism campaign in which baristas talk to customers about race issues while serving their coffee.
One user tweeted, 'I don't have time to explain 400 years of oppression to you & still make my train', while another pointed out, 'y'all realize there are no coloured hands in the press photos right'.
A third speculated, 'maybe Starbucks actually wanted to get people of all races & ethnicities to join hands and make fun'.