食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報(bào)道,自2009年以來(lái),美國(guó)第一夫人米歇爾.奧巴馬便帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生們一道開墾白宮菜園,如今已進(jìn)入第五個(gè)年頭。如今這里已種植逾55種果蔬,重量超過(guò)2000磅,它們不僅豐富了白宮的餐桌,更向美國(guó)人傳遞著健康飲食的信息。
The White House celebrated programs addressing childhood obesity Tuesday and invited elementary school students from across the nation to help with the third annual fall harvest of the South Lawn garden.
Washington, DC - infoZine - Scripps Howard Foundation Wire - First lady Michelle Obama invited students from schools in Arizona, California and Ohio to participate in the harvest because the schools incorporate local produce into school meals and use school gardens as part of nutrition education programs. Students from Washington's Harriet Tubman and Bancroft elementary schools regularly help in the garden and also participated.