食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)歐盟食品安全局消息,8月12日歐盟食品安全局就苯并噻二唑的農(nóng)藥風險評估同行評審發(fā)布了結論。
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1141/2010, as amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 380/2013, (hereinafter referred to as 'the Regulation‘) lays down the procedure for the renewal of the approval of a second group of active substances and establishes the list of those substances. Acibenzolar-S-methyl is one of the of active substances listed in the Regulation.
No critical area of concern has been identified in the area of ecotoxicology. However, risk mitigation measures for aquatic organisms were proposed for the pome fruit use. Data gaps were identified.