食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,近日韓國政府批準黃粉蟲(mealw orms)用作食品配料。
黃粉蟲又叫面包蟲,原產(chǎn)北美洲,50 年代從蘇聯(lián)引進我國飼養(yǎng),黃粉蟲含80%的蛋白質(zhì)和高含量ω-3的脂肪。粉末狀的黃粉蟲可用于面包、餅干、面條等。
South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety have given a green light to the use of mealworms as a food ingredient.
In a ruling last week, the ministry said the edible insect-Tenebrio molitor Linne-could be used for the local market once it has completed various manufacturing processes, including cleansing, sterilisation and freeze-drying.
Mealw orms's bodies consist of 80% of protein and fat w ith a high quantity of omega-3, making them a high-value food resource.